With guidance coming out today, two spectators for each participant will be permitted at indoor events. The volleyball games at Warroad will currently not allow spectators for tonight because of the short notice. Bagley high school will welcome spectators for indoor events beginning on Monday, October 12th with JH volleyball. For JH events, parents will be asked to call the high school office before 2pm on the day of the event to be put in the admissions list for that event. For C/JV/V events, admissions is charged so parents will need to pay for their admission at the High School Office prior to 2pm on the day of the event. Parents can begin contacting the office on Friday, 10/9 at 10am. We are very excited to have fans back to watch our student-athletes but it all of our responsibilities to keep everyone safe. Masks and social distancing will be required for attendance at all indoor events.
over 4 years ago, Doreen Zierer
Flyer Varsity football tickets for the home opener on Wednesday, October 14 will begin at noon on Thursday, October 8th and continue until noon on Wednesday, 10/14 or until tickets are sold out. 150 tickets are currently available.
over 4 years ago, Doreen Zierer
Warroad will be live-streaming the Varsity Volleyball game on Thursday evening following their swimming meet. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtmRSaVXpcpbdqA2pMZ87vw
over 4 years ago, Doreen Zierer
BHS Conference Reminder ​ Bagley High School will hold Parent-Teacher Conferences on October 6th. Teachers will be located in different areas of the building to allow for safe social distancing. We ask that only one parent accompany their child. Please complete the health screening prior to entering the building. Everyone in attendance will be required to wear a mask.
over 4 years ago, Belinda Schermerhorn
BHS Conference Reminder
Bagley High school will livestream lower level volleyball games. More information will be available by Wednesday. Please remember that only 250 fans are allowed to attend football games. Home varsity tickets will be made available to football players family members first prior to each home game.
over 4 years ago, Doreen Zierer
Flyers football will travel to Frazee on Friday, October 9th - 7pm kickoff. Fans wishing to attend will need to purchase tickets at the BHS main office beginning at 10am. Cost is $6 for adults and $4 for students. Tickets will be on sale through Wednesday at 3pm. There are 100 tickets available for sale.
over 4 years ago, Doreen Zierer
Community Notice: COVID Exposure
over 4 years ago, Bagley Flyers
IPAD Practice for the Elementary 9/30 In person Students (Using devices at home) Where will you charge your device? Identify where your device will charge at home. Take a picture and then charge your Ipad. Remember to bring your Ipad back to school tomorrow!
over 4 years ago, Kristi Moritz
Indian Education Parent Meeting tonight at 5:00. Here is the link to attend https://zoom.us/j/93068039470?pwd=Qnp5TU1ScGR6M2dXRUtKQWVRUys2Zz09#success
over 4 years ago, Kristi Moritz
You are invited to an Animal Dance Party with the Girl Scouts!
over 4 years ago, Bagley Flyers
Girl Scout Invite
page 2 girl scout invite
7-12 Volleyball official practices begins on Monday, September 28th. Students should enter the building through the main entrance. Students must wear a mask as they enter the building. Questions please email dzierer@bagley.k12.mn.us
over 4 years ago, Doreen Zierer
7-12 Football practice officially begins on Monday, September 28th. Students are asked to report to the north doors by the baseball field. Practices will begin at 3:30pm. Questions please email dzierer@bagley.k12.mn.us
over 4 years ago, Doreen Zierer
BFCG Hockey Registration is soon! Don't miss it!!!
over 4 years ago, Bagley Flyers
youth hockey registration flyer
BHS Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming soon! Check out the newsletter for the details...https://5il.co/lbtg
over 4 years ago, Bagley Flyers
BHS Conferences...image
The Bagley School District is asking that all students complete a daily health screening for in person learning. -download the rschool app (blue baseball cap) -open the app, click on setup, select Minnesota -under the school list, go to Pine to Prairie Conference and select Bagley -click on the menu bar in the upper left hand corner and then click on the Daily Health Screening button -the first time you will want to fill out the form. The system will ask you to sign in with your name and email address. When you click verify, the system sends a confirmation email -once you verify your email address, you can begin screening. Simply toggle on the button for any yes responses. -you can select profile to select a different student in your family -students will have the app on their chromebooks and/or iPads. If they are not screened at home, students will be asked to screen themselves once they arrive at school.
over 4 years ago, Doreen Zierer
Minnesota Dept of Health Publishes Attendance Guidelines for Parents and Families... https://5il.co/kyn6
over 4 years ago, Bagley Flyers
The Tuesday Flyer Message Kudos to the Bagley Community, we had a great first day of school both in person and distance learning. Kids were checking in, logging on Zoom and connecting with their teachers.  As a reminder we are offering Google Classroom and Synergy Parent training from 4-5 on Wed and Thurs at the High School. Contact Kim Halverson at the High School 694-3120 to get registered. Here is the schedule for picture day Elementary Distance Learning Students: Wednesday, September 9th from 9-12 at the High School Auditorium Elementary In Person Students: Thursday, September 10 in the Elementary High School Students: Wednesday October 28th in the High School Thank you for your support in creating a successful start to the school year.
over 4 years ago, Kristi Moritz
Parents of BES students, Please help us by completing a health screening checklist on each of your children. If your child has a fever, chills, new cough, shortness of breath, new sore throat, new muscle aches, new headaches, or new loss of smell/taste please keep your child at home and call the office. We hope to have our new health screening app up and running by the end of the week. Keep your eyes out for the updates.
over 4 years ago, Kristi Moritz
Bagley High School Volleyball and Football workouts to begin on Monday, September 14th Football practice will be 3:30-5pm Monday-Thursday , 9/14-10/1 - grades 7-12. Volleyball practice will be on a rotational schedule beginning on 9/14 with Sr High from 3:30-5:15pm and Jr high from 5:30-7pm. The complete schedule is pictured below. Paperwork will be handed out at practice, fees are not required for the fall practices, student-athletes must have a current physical on file. Any physical that expired after March, 2020 will be consider current for the 20-21 school year. Those who have not had a previous Sports participation Physical are required to have one before they can begin participation. For questions please email: Doreen Zierer, AD - dzierer@bagley.k12.mn.us FB - Brandon Schwegel - bschwegel@bagley.k12.mn.us VB - Sarah Schwegel - sschwegel@bagley.k12.mn.us
over 4 years ago, Doreen Zierer
VB practice calendar
Distance Learning Technology Support Sessions Offered! Join us in person or via zoom link to brush up on some of the technology tools used in distance learning. Sessions will be offered from 4pm-5pm on Tuesday, Sept. 8, Wednesday, Sept. 9 and Thursday, Sept. 10. In person location is at BHS RM 100. Register using the link below: https://forms.gle/FPoPSiExcwr69sXt5
over 4 years ago, Bagley Flyers
Distance Learning Image