Here are some updates for our BHS Distance Learners! Check it out at this link:
An update for families from Superintendent Erich Heise:
Link to Some of the "NEW" BHS Back to School Covid-19 rules for in person learning
BES Parents
We have finished assigning students to teachers. We will not be making changes to class rosters. You can access your child's teacher by logging into parent view and clicking on schedules for quarter 1. If you need help with setting up parentVue or logging in please call the Elementary Office.
Transportation for BES
Busing : We are still working hard to get things set up for the school year. Part of our COVID Back to School Plan is students may only have one address for pick up and one address for drop off. There will not be bus passes. If you need to change your pick up or drop off please call transportation 218-694-6122 as soon as possible.
Parent Drop off: Students may be dropped off starting at 8:00. Classes start at 8:24. Students must be dropped off at the South Cafeteria Door. Students will not be able to enter through other doors including the office door. Parents/Guardians will not be able to walk students to class due to COVID requirements.
Parent Pick-up: Parent picked up will be located in the East parking lot starting at 2:40. Parents picking up students will stay in their vehicle and follow the cone drive in the parking lot. School Staff will radio in the building to let the students know when to come out and meet you. If you are planning on picking up your student instead of riding the bus, please notify the office by 2:00.
Info for Technology Integration Plan
Back to School Technology Information:
BES Device Handbook (
BHS Device Handbook (
Review the handbooks for information on our technology integration plan. K-6 will have iPads. Student iPads will be delivered to students' perspective classrooms. 7-12 will have chromebooks. RollOut will happen during Open House. All students K-12 will be required to complete the Student/Parent Agreement Form (the last page of our handbooks) and to pay an insurance fee of 20$ (10 for Free/Reduced). There is a district family max of $60 (30 for Free/Reduced). There is also
a 1:1 Device Scholarship Application Form ( that can be completed in the event of families in hardship.
The Bagley Public Schools has openings for Paraprofessionals. Candidates must be highly qualified, which includes either 2 or more years of college, an AA Degree, or the ability to pass the Para Pro Exam. Application forms may be downloaded, picked up in the District Office or you may email For more information, please call Jenetta Weems at 694-6184.
Here is the link to the downloadable application:
Preschool families please see this years supplies list.
BES families please check our website for our supply list!
The Tuesday Flyer Message
Good Evening Bagley Flyers! As you may have heard, this past Saturday the Bagley School Board voted for In Person Learning with the option for families to opt out of in person and go Distance Learning. If you haven't registered please do so to ensure a smooth back to school experience. We are excited to welcome students back in the building. Please remember, In Person Learning will be different than school prior to Covid 19. Keep a close eye out for more updates throughout the week about open house, transportation, schedules, teacher assignments, and supply lists.Thank you for your support in helping us follow the safety precautions to make In Person Learning safe for everyone.
The Tuesday Flyer Message
Happy Tuesday Bagley Flyers! Last night the Bagley School Board hosted a live Zoom session, that had over 100 guests. We reviewed our plans for the upcoming school year. The Bagley School Board had a focused discussion and brought up important concerns and advocated what they thought was best for our students. Three motions were put forward and resulted in a tie vote. Because of the three failed attempts to pass the motion, the action item was tabled to a later date. The special board meeting has been set for Saturday, August 22 at 8am. Here is the link to the proposed plan that was presented at last night's meeting.
Thank you for your patience in this matter. We are not taking this decision lightly. We want what is best for your children, our students, and the Bagley community.
Swimming practice will begin on Monday, August 17th from 4pm-6pm. Transportation will leave Bagley at 3:15pm from the north High School parking lot and return around 6:30pm. Swimmers must have a current sports qualifying physical to participate. Additional paperwork will be handed out on the 17th.
Just a reminder that Boys and Girls Cross Country practice begins at 9am on Monday, August 17th. Runners should enter on the north side of the the high school by the baseball field. Runners must have a current sports qualifying physical to participate. Additional paperwork will be handed out at the start of practice. For questions, please contact Doreen Zierer -
The Tuesday Flyer Message
We have been busy with our Back to School Planning. Our District Advisory Committee and Safety Committee met this week and helped with the planning. We are preparing for both in-person and distance learning scenarios. The school board will vote on Aug. 17, which scenario we will start the school year. This meeting is open to the public via Zoom.
We have been noticing some social media posts regarding school employees administering Covid-19 tests. We will NOT be administering Covid-19 tests. Please refer to our website for accurate information regarding our schools.
High School schedules will be coming out soon. Please be patient with us. We will have schedule change days at the start of the school year.
Elementary students will find out their teachers one week prior to school starting. We hope to get the supply lists posted to the website next week.
Thank you again for your patience during this difficult time.
For those students interested in participating in Girls Swimming this fall, practice begins on Monday, August 17th. Please email if you are interested or have any questions before the start of practice.
Bagley High School Cross Country practice will begin on Monday, August 17th at 9am. Runners should enter the building from the north parking lot area. Participation paperwork will be handed out at that time and practice will officially begin.
Registration is now open for the 2020-2021 school year. To register, please go to the district website and click "COVID 19". The registration form is at the top of the page.
The Tuesday Flyer Message
The MSHSL board voted to move football and volleyball from fall to spring this morning. Cross Country and Swimming will begin practices on August 17th. More details will follow. Stay safe everyone.
The MSHSL has announced that Student-athletes who have a Sports Qualifying Physical that expired anytime after March 23, 2020 and/or during the 2020-21 school year, they will not need to get a physical. As of 7/31/20, Bagley Football practice is scheduled to begin on 8/10 for Varsity and JV. JH Football, Volleyball, Cross Country Running and Swimming practices are scheduled to begin on 8/17/20. There will be updated information after the MSHSL Board of directors meeting on August 4, 2020.
There will not be a Fall Sports meeting this summer. paperwork will be available on line and in the District Office starting on August 5th.
Questions, please contact Doreen Zierer at or 692-6528.