JH Volleyball at Mahnomen/Waubun today has been cancelled.
MediaCrew162 has uploaded a bunch of clips from this weeks VB & FB action to our YouTube channel check um out- "Like" and "Follow" us!
Have a safe and great weekend!
Congratulations to the Flyer Football team on their 41-8 win tonight o er Red Lake. Flyers will host Warroad on Friday, October 23rd - 7pm kickoff.
JH VB at Mahnomen/Waubun on Monday, October 19th will be livestreamed. Mahnomen is currently not allowing visiting fans to JH games. The link will be shared as soon as it is received.
Here is a reminder about the Public Forum and Hearing that is taking place on Monday. This includes the Zoom Link and Meeting ID. Please review the document. This is the time for your voice to be heard.
School Board Meeting and Public Hearing – Indian Education Programs and Budgets Notice
Bagley Public Schools- Bagley, MN
There will be a public hearing regarding the proposals for the 2020-2021 American Indian Education Programs and Budgets.
The Bagley Indian Education Parent Committee will meet at 5:00 p.m.
The Public Hearing will take place at 6:00 p.m.
The School Board meeting will follow the Public Hearing
at Bagley High School Room 100 and via Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID: 626 686 385 password: 1mkMUc
on Monday, October 19, 2020
The hearing will include the following:
1. Presentation of Annual Needs Assessment and Indian Policies and Procedures.
2. Overview of the Title I, II, & VI, Johnson O’Malley, American Indian Education Aid and Impact Aid.
3. Seek comments and recommendations regarding the programs.
Due to some concerns with the rising Covid numbers in the area the Student Support/Tutoring, that was being offered at the Rice Lake Community Center, will not be taking place until further notice. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Carol Vik at cvik@bagley.k12.mn.us
There are still tickets available for the Flyers football home opener on Wednesday vs Red Lake. Kickoff is scheduled for 7pm. For tickets, please contact Carrie Ham at 694-3120 or cham@bagley.k12.mn.us
Congratulations to the Bagley/Fosston Boys Cross Country team. The team finished 9th. Boysen Olson finished 9th overall and earning All Section and State Qualifier recognition. Logan and Grant Hemberger finishes 44th and 45th respectively, Palmer Olson crosses the finish line in 68th position, Liam Hagen was 77th, Gavin Halverson was 104th and Jake Wickham was 114th. Congratulations to all of the B/F Boys Cross Country runners on a great season.
The Girls Section 8A meet will be on Wednesday at the Twin Pines Golf Course beginning at 11am.
Livestream link for JH volleyball tonight https://youtu.be/jiXgdg6ycKE
Life stream link for C and JV volleyball tonight https://youtu.be/gdf2ci58D9o
Emergency childcare is available for tier 1 essential workers from October 19th-28th.
Please fill out the form by October 16
Community Letter Re: Emergency School Board Meeting 10-12-20
Here is the livestream link for the JH Volleyball game tonight vs Fosston. 7th grade starts at 5pm with 8th grade to follow. https://youtu.be/_fba-oPMCyo
Flyer JH VB parents - we will have a signup sheet available at the JH games this evening vs Fosston for the upcoming game at Clearbrook-Gonvick. Please let your player know if you plan to attend so we can you get you on the admit list for the Tuesday game. Thank you for your patience.
Community Notice: COVID Exposure
MediaCrew162 Broadcast Schedule on GVT Channel 33 ! AND NOW streaming is available !!!
go to: https://www.gvtel.com/video/livestream/
sign up, spread the word and tune in
We will cover Varsity games only as follows:
10/13 Volleyball (7:00)
10/14 Football (6:45)
10/20 Volleyball (7:00)
10/23 Football (6:45)
10/29 Volleyball (7:00)
11/10 Volleyball (7:00)
11/13 Football (2:45)
11/19 Volleyball (7:00)
11/23 Volleyball (7:00)
Please note times are when broadcast times begin, game start times can vary.
Also please note the times and dates may change with little or no notice so please watch for updates
Congratulations to the B/F cross country runners. The Boys team finished 4th overall with Boysen Olson finishing 3rd and Logan Hemberger finishing 11th overall. Both Boysen and Logan earned All-Conference recognition. Jenna Manecke finished 12th in the girls race and earned All-Conference recognition as well. Rounding out the boys top 5 runners are: Liam Hagen - 19th, Palmer Olson - 34th and Gavin Halverson 40th. Congratulations to all. The Section 8A meet will take place on Tuesday, October 13th for boys and Wednesday, October 14th for girls at the Twin Pines golf course - both days start at 11am.
Tutoring Offered For BHS Students! Click the link to get the sign up sheet and check out all the details: https://5il.co/lyfg
The return to in-person learning.
Good Afternoon Bagley Flyers.
As many of you know the Bagley High School is returning to In-person learning on Monday Oct. 19, 2020. If you registered for distance learning this summer but want to make the switch to in person learning we are asking that you wait till the end of first quarter(Nov. 6th). This will allow us time to modify class rosters, prepare for adequate spacing in classrooms and other building areas. Please call your child's school office between Oct. 19 - Oct. 30th to notify us that you would like to re-register for in-person learning beginning 2nd quarter.
High School Office -218-694-3120
Elementary Office -218- 694-6528
Because of some technical difficulties, we are not able to livestream the JH, C and JV volleyball games tonight from Warroad. The Varsity contest will be live-streamed at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtmRSaVXpcpbdqA2pMZ87vw