It's Scholastic Book Fair time! From March 3rd-5th, come experience the limitless possibilities with your kids. Every purchase benefits our school.
7 days ago, Community Ed
Checkout the BHS Monthly Messenger for the month of February 2025, by clicking on the link below. You can also view any of our previous months messengers at the bottom of the webpage as well.
3 days ago, Bagley Flyers
February Messenger
Good luck to Bagley Elementary Robotics Teams that are heading off to state.
3 days ago, Community Ed
Yippee, only five more days till the book fair !!!! Mr. Popper's Penguins trivia winners. What do Captain Cook and Greta like even better than snow?
5 days ago, Community Ed
Spring Trap Season begins in April! Trap Club is open to all students in grades 7-12. Practice will be one day a week and won't interfer with other spring sports sfchedules. Contact:
5 days ago, Bagley Flyers
Join Bagley Youth Trap Poster
Congratulations to one of our BHS Robotics Teams and earning a trip to State, which is February 27 & 28 in St Cloud. Team 40003A Clutch Robotics out of Bagley High School qualified for the Minnesota State Vex V5 Robotics Competition based on their skills number of 35 during the competitions this season. Beau Woods, Logan Masurka, Bradley Morse, and Jayden Mudge will be attending the Minnesota State Robotics Competition February 27th and 28th at the St Cloud River's Edge Convention Center. The matches will be on the following webcast Thank you, Bagley Community for the continued support. Good Job Boys and Good Luck!!!
10 days ago, Bagley Flyers
Congratulations and BEST of LUCK to the BES Robotics teams that are heading to the State Competition on March 1st! Way to go FLYERS!
10 days ago, Bagley Flyers
Congrats to BES Robotics teams as they head to State Competition March 1st in St. Cloud
Due to weather related delays, Bagley Public Schools and buses will be two hours late tomorrow, February 18th. There will be no morning practices. If weather conditions worsen, we will alert you to any new changes in school functions and activities for the day.
14 days ago, Jennifer Hecht
It may have been a short week, but it was a definitely a busy week. The Elementary celebrated kindness week, 100th day of school, the pep fest and valentines.
18 days ago, Community Ed
Mr. Popper has papered the walls of his living room with pictures from what magazine? Mr. Popper's Penguin's weekly trivia question
19 days ago, Community Ed
It's registration time at BHS! We’ve distributed the 2025-2026 course registration materials to all students in grades 8-12. Course request forms are due by Friday, February 21, and they can be dropped off at the High School Guidance Office. Make sure to go over the registration guide with your students. This guide has useful information on graduation requirements, NCAA standards, ways students can earn college credit, and a description of all the courses available at BHS.
20 days ago, Bagley High School
BHS Registration 2025-2026
The North Pole is called Arctic. What is the South Pole called? Mr. Popper's Penguin's weekly trivia question
24 days ago, Community Ed
Kindness dress up week for Elementary ***Please Note there is school for the High School.****
26 days ago, Community Ed
Kindness Week
Bagley Elementary Wrestling Pre-K– 6th Grade Bagley Community Ed Elementary Wrestling program will begin after school on Tuesday, February 18th, and will run through March 20th. This program is designed to provide students with knowledge, practice, and most importantly, fun while learning fundamental wrestling skills under the guidance of Coach Pete Larson. Register online or pickup registration in the front office Grades Prek - 2 Grades 3rd -6th
27 days ago, Community Ed
Positive Action Student winners for the month of January 2025
27 days ago, Bagley Flyers
PA Jan 2025
Checkout the BHS Monthly Messenger for the month of January 2025, by clicking on the link below. You can also view any of our previous months messengers at the bottom of the webpage as well.
about 1 month ago, Bagley Flyers
January 2025
BES Families, if your child has brought home their copy of "Mr. Popper's Penguins" please refer to our school website under the OneSchoolOneBook link for additional resources including a reading pacing guide. Our goal is to finish the book by the end of February.
about 1 month ago, Sarah Larson
School Website
Congratulations to the 2025 Snow Week Royalty! Back row from the left to the right: Gage Gunderson (12th), Ethan Rud (11th), Micah Tramm (10th), and Brett Schwegel (9th). Front row from the left to the right: Kaydence Jorgenson (12th), Elliana Derheim (11th), Emme Ekre (10th), and MaKalyn Hoie (9th). Coronation will occur on Monday, February 10th.
about 1 month ago, Bagley Flyers
2025 Snow Week
Congratulations to the cast & crew of "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane" for their first place finish in the sub-section OAP competition held at BHS last Friday evening. They will now advance to the Section Contest this coming Saturday, Feb. 1st in Crookston.
about 1 month ago, Bagley Flyers
One Act Play Cast and Crew Members
BHS Paras enjoyed cake in celebration of Para Appreciation Week...we don't say it enough but Thank You for all you do for our students!
about 1 month ago, Bagley Flyers
Para Appreciation Cake