BHS Winter Sports
Please email Doreen Zierer at. if you are interested in participating in hockey, wrestling, girls basketball, boys basketball or dance - this is for grades 7-12 (JV or Varsity hockey). We are trying to develop rosters so we can get information out to the student-athletes.
Please email student’s grade, name, email address, name of parent/guardian and email of parent or guardian.
Dance practice begins on November 16th, Hockey and Boys Basketball begins on November 23rd, Wrestling begins on November 20th, and Girls Basketball on December 7th.
Here is the updated 20-21 At-A-Glance Calendar that
includes the new 2-Hour Late Start Schedule!
Parent Letter: Nov. 6th
COVID Daily Health Screening and Reporting Symptoms
7-12 Dance practice will begin with virtual practices on Monday, November 16th. Please email Doreen Zierer at if you are interested in participating. Please include your dancer’s email so additional information can be sent out next week.
Greetings Bagley School District
We are reaching out to you to help us with gathering accurate information. We need all students Pre k through 12 grade to fill out their health screening every school day even if we are distance learning. Students complete their health screenings using R schools app that is installed on all the student devices. This app can also be installed on mobile devices. We will post detailed directions on our website. This data helps us better understand how COVID is impacting our schools. Thank you and have a great day.
COVID Update: Parent Letter 11/3/20
A Letter From the Superintendent: MN Dept. of Ed Clarification
Bagley Indian Ed Virtual Parent Committee Meeting
Wednesday, October 28⋅5:00 – 7:00pm
Meeting ID: 913 2424 5841
Passcode: Indian Ed
Agenda can be found here:
Any questions please email: or
Bagley High School sports will remain virtual through the end of the quarter, November 6th. Our county 14 day county case count continues to require distance learning and virtual sports.
Good Evening! As previously posted both the High School and the Elementary will be finishing out 1st quarter in the distance learning model. We are preparing to welcome students in the building 2nd quarter if case rates allow us to return to school in person. If you registered for distance learning this summer but want to make the switch to in person learning, we are asking that you call your child's school office by Oct. 30th to notify us that you would like to re-register for in-person learning beginning 2nd quarter. High School Office -218-694-3120 Elementary Office -218- 694-6528 To stay up to date on school announcements and COVID - 19 updates please visit our district website.
COVID Update: Distance Learning
Meet the school board candidates forum tonight@7 on GVT Channel 33 and streaming at click streaming.
Distance Learning Tips!
Community Notice: COVID Exposure
The Clearwater County Covid numbers continue to exceed the MDH/MDE/MSHSL rates for in person sports participation. There will be no in person sports participation for Bagley High School student athletes through October 30th. Please mask up and social distance!
Certified Paraeducators are available to provide academic support to all Bagley High School Students.
Tutoring is provided during the school day through Zoom.
Contact Kim Halverson at the
Bagley High School to get more information.
218-694-3120 or
2nd Quarter News
Good Afternoon Bagley District.
The Bagley High School will be finishing out 1st quarter in the distance learning model. We are preparing to welcome students in the building 2nd quarter if case rates allow us to return to school in person. The elementary will be finishing up their 14 day reset on Oct. 28th and will return in person on Thursday Oct. 29th. If you registered for distance learning this summer but want to make the switch to in person learning, we are asking that you call your child's school office by Oct. 30th to notify us that you would like to re-register for in-person learning beginning 2nd quarter.
High School Office -218-694-3120 Elementary Office -218- 694-6528
* To stay up to date on school announcements and COVID - 19 updates please visit our district website.
Meal Pick Up During District-wide Distance Learning
We will offer meal pick up at four locations during distance learning.
Use the link below to register for meal pick up.
Due to Clearwater county’s CoVid 14 day case count, the Bagley School district has moved into the mandated distant learning model and our sports activities are required to move into virtual sports, which eliminates all in person activities including practices and competitions through October 23rd. Mask up Flyers!
Reminder about tonight's American Indian Parent Committee meeting starting at 5 pm.
Agenda: AIEA discussion, IPP review
Followed by the IPP and Public Hearing- Discussion regarding Indian Education programming and budgets at 6 pm
Followed by the Bagley school Board meeting immediately after the Public hearing.
The Zoom link to the meeting is:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 626 686 385
Passcode: 1mkMUc
You should only have to click on the link but if that doesn't work go to and enter the above meeting ID and Passcode.
Hope to see you virtually!