Positive Action Assembly
We are celebrating so many positive actions from this quarter. Keep up the positive work.
Attention American Indian student families:
Not sure if your student is a part of JOM?
Need help or have questions with the paperwork for Indian Ed, JOM, or for JOM reimbursements?
Come see Indian Ed staff in the cafeteria during conferences!
White Earth Nation District 1 Representative Henry Fox presents Bagley High School with a White Earth Flag.
From the left: Wenesdai Goldstein, Indian Education Cultural Liaison; Brittany Nattress, Indian Education Cultural Liaison; Amanda Barras, Director of Indian Education; Mark Olson, School Board; Henry Fox, White Earth District 1 Representative; Mark Bensen, Principal; Haylee Hanse, Indian Education Cultural Liaison; Palmer Olson, Student Council President
This month is Native American Heritage Month and Bagley Indian Education invites everyone to celebrate with us! This week is Rock Your Mocs week! Wear your moccasins to celebrate. Don't have any? Visit 214 for a turquoise ribbon or make your own moccasins after school with Anishinaabe Club!
We are also inviting 7th-12th grade families to bring in Native cultural items for display in the Junior High display case. Bring in items to the Indian Ed staff to share your family history! All items will be treated respectfully, locked in a display case, and returned at the end of the month. Miigwech (thank you) to Mrs. Newland for bringing in some neat items to start us off!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Amanda Barras at 218-694-3120 ext 2215.
Anishinaabe Club is starting up this week for grades 7-12. We will meet most Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 5:00. We are starting by making moccasins! You will need a ride home and a permission slip returned before you can participate. Ask Indian Ed staff if you have any questions.
Join us in celebrating Rock Your Mocs Week this next week, November 14th-18th!
The Bagley Indian Education Program invites you to join us in celebrating Rock Your Mocs, a national event to honor Native American tribal individuality by wearing moccasins!
Students in grades 7-12 are also able to sign up for Anishinaabe Club starting on November 15th where we will make moccasins! Contact Indian Ed Staff for permission slips!
The November Indian Education Parent Committee Meeting will be at 5:00 Monday, November 14th at the Rice Lake Community Center or by Zoom.
Parents, grandparents, guardians, and family members of Native American students in the School District #162 are welcome and encouraged to attend. Tribal representatives are also encouraged to attend.
Topic: Indian Education Parent Committee Meeting
Time: Nov 14, 2022 05:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 408 614 9977
Passcode: flyers
“On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.”-Dan Lipinski
The Elementary Veterans program will still be held today at 1:45. Any veterans are welcome to attend. Please call the office for more information.
Due to the weather conditions, the Veteran's Day program at the high school has been postponed until Monday, November 14th.
Bagley School Two Hour Late Start
Due to weather related delays, Bagley Public Schools and buses will be two hours late tomorrow, November 11th, 2022. There will be no morning practices. If weather conditions worsen, we will alert you to any new changes in school functions and activities for the day.
BHS Junior High Drama Students Present…
"ALICE" by Lindsay Price
An adaption of Lewis Carrol’s “Alice in Wonderland”
Thursday & Friday
November 17th & 18th
7:00 p.m.
Bagley High School Auditorium
Tickets sold at the door: $5.00 (age 5 & under free)
Produced by special arrangement with Theatrefolk
The BHS Volleyball Banquet will be Monday, November 21st at 6:30 PM in the High School Commons.
The BHS Football Banquet will be Monday, November 14 at 6 o’clock in the High School Cafeteria.
Due to the weather and school cancellation, today will be an E-Learning day for Bagley students.
BES 3rd graders create their own hand jives for Bate Bate. A rhyme to say while making Mexican Hot Chocolate.
Check out the videos with the links below!
Families with kids age 0-5 join us for November Field Trip to Science Center. Families can ride the school bus to the Science Center where we will explore all the exhibits and including a demo on Animals. Hold a snake or bunny, make a harmonograph , and watch the kinetic sculpture.
Only $5 per family. Friday November 18th. Bus will leaves at 9:30am.
Kids will receive a fun science activity bag with experiments, games and snacks.
Call to register 694-3232
October Positive Action. These students have been chosen by staff at BES for their above and beyond behaviors that are demonstrated in the classroom and in other areas of their school day. Congratulations Positive Action!
Winter Sports Meeting
It is Senior Order Week! Use the link below to get your cap and gown ordered!! Deadline: Wednesday, November 2nd!