The BHS Drama Club proudly presents.......“The Nifty Fifties Malt Shop Murder”!
Check it out at the BHS Auditorium this Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 7, 8, & 9 at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $8/adults and $6/students.
Congratulations to all the positive action students for the month of March. Keep up the good work and thank you for being a positive role model.
In case you missed it...the 2020 BHS National Honor Society Induction Ceremony. Congratulations Ladies and Gentleman!
Are you a White Earth enrolled member and/or descendent who needs assistance with enrollment or a Johnson O'Malley application?
Give me a call or shoot me an email so we can work with White Earth Enrollments to get a day and time set up so we can work through the processes. We could set a date and time that works with you to make it an easier process. Also let me know if you have questions.
My office number is 218-694-3120 ext. 2215 or email at or email
Calling kids in grades 3rd and up. If you have been looking for something fun to do after school then check out the New After S'Cool Activities.
New Digital Class
Art Flour Power Camp
You don't want to miss out on the fun then scan the QSR code or pick-up a registration form at the Elementary Office.
Bagley Public Schools, ISD 162 conducts strategic planning; community input requested:
The Bagley Public School District is in the initial stage of developing a strategic plan. The School Board is working with the Minnesota School Boards Association (MSBA) to provide guidance and assist with the process.
The School Board is seeking input from school district residents and staff to help in identifying the school district’s strengths and areas for improvement. School district residents and staff are encouraged to give the School Board feedback by completing the “Perception Survey of Bagley School District.” The information gathered from the survey will be analyzed by the MSBA and used to help identify school district strategic priorities.
Click the following link to access the survey. The survey is open until 8:00 AM on April 11.
The Bagley High School Student Council recently raised money and collected food for the local food shelf. Pictured are Student Council President Ellie Bonik and Senior Class President Tiffany Gerbracht presenting Clearwater County Food Shelf Site Manager Sharon Braaten with a check for $691.50 and 232 non-perishable food items. Way to go Flyers!!!
Save $$$ on your Insurance
Senior Defensive Driving - Refresher Course
This 4-hour refresher course will meet the requirements for renewing your
10% auto insurance discount. Renewal is needed every 3 years.
Date: Friday March 25th 2022
Time: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM or 12:00pm to 4:00pm
Instructor: Brenda Dukek
Location: Bagley High School - Room 100
Fee: Initial $25 or Refresher $20
Register at Bagley Community Ed 694-3232
Bagley Early Childhood Screening will be held Thursday, March 24th in the Early Childhood Wing at the Elementary School.
We invite families with children ages 3-5 years who have not been screened to schedule an appointment.
Register for an appt by call 694-3232
Bagley High School Driver's Ed wrapped up another 30 hour class: Congratulations to 33 students on successful completion! Thank you MN State Trooper Trevor Schmidt for another wonderful presentation!
Fosston/Bagley Brawlers State Update:
Maddox O'Reilly of Goodhue won by fall over Lucas Jurek of Kimball Area, that means Zach Thompson will get a wrestleback later tonight. Thompson will take on Jurek in the first round of the wrestlebacks. Good luck Zach!
Fosston/Bagley Brawlers State Update:
Zach Thompson lost his wrestleback tonight to Lucas Jurek of Kimball Area 8-3. Thompson's season comes to an end at 31-10, Section 8A Runner-up and a Class A State Entrant. Congrats on a great season Zach!
Fosston/Bagley Brawlers State Update:
David Revering of BHVPP lost to Brandon Ross of Caledonia/Houston in the Championship Quarterfinals, so Aiden Wolfe will not get a wrestleback later tonight. Wolfe finishes the season at 26-8, the 2022 Section 8A Champion and a Class A State Entrant. Congrats Aiden on an awesome season!
Fosston/Bagley Brawlers State Update:
Aiden Wolfe lost his opening match at the State Wrestling Tournament to David Revering of BHVPP 2-0. Wolfe will need Revering to beat top seed Brandon Ross of Caledonia/Houston in the Championship Quarterfinals later today in order to get a Consolation match tonight
Fosston/Bagley Brawlers State Update:
Zach Thompson lost his opening round match at the State Tournament to top seeded Maddox O'Reilly from Goodhue 7-1. Thompson will need O'Reilly to beat Lucas Jurek of Kimball Area in the Quarterfinals this afternoon in order to get a Consolation match later tonight.
Wild West Carnival
2022 Bagley School Powwow
May 6th, 2022
Brustad Field
36283 Fairground Rd, Bagley, MN 56621
In case of inclement weather the powwow will move to the Bagley Hockey Building. Invited schools and drums during the school day, but is open to the public after school hours.
Thank you for all the helpers, volunteers and families that came for our special event this week. It was nice seeing the community enjoying the math, reading and book fair activities.
ECFE Field Trip to the Headwaters Science Center!
Congratulations to Aiden Wolfe and Zach Thompson, the two will be representing the Fosston-Bagley wrestling team and Section 8A at the State Wrestling Tournament next Friday and Saturday down in St. Paul. Brackets will be released tomorrow afternoon. Congrats Aiden and Zach! Good Luck at State.