Clearwater County Coats for the Community Event!
Parent Committee Meeting:
Please join us as parents/grandparents/guardians play a huge role in students success and voicing our students needs. In addition JOM is completely Parent/grandparent/guardian driven, we need your input and support. Agenda's will be printed and hope to see you there whether in person or via google meets.
Just a reminder that Bagley Elementary will be having picture day on Thursday, September 14th. Please send the school picture packet(with correct money amount inside) with your child that morning. Thank you!
Just a friendly reminder
two hour late start
Wednesday, September 13
Congratulations to the 2023 Homecoming Royalty:
Front row from the left to the right: Isabella Warmbold, Peyton Proulx, Kathryn Agnew, and Mary Anderson
Back row from the left to the right: Zack Netland, Logan Lee, Kade Otting, and Alex Jobe
BHS will have picture day on September 15th. Picture packets were included in the back-to-school folders. Students will provide their packets to the photographer on the day of pictures. There is also an option to preorder online at
Don't Miss BFCG Hockey Registration!!!
Bagley Elementary School will be having an Open House on Thursday, August 31st from 5-7 PM. There will be a supper served from 5-6:30. This is a great night to meet the teacher, take a picture and bring in school supplies. If your student will be dropped off on the first day please remember to use door 5 as we will have additional staff ready to help students. Hope to see you all there!
The School Store will be having a SALE during Open House on Thursday, August 31 from 2 - 4 pm & 4:30 to 7 pm. All clothing will be 30% off excluding Clearance Items.
ATTENTION CLASS OF 2023 ~ Your Senior Banners, Diploma Covers ( with your name imprinted) and Senior Pictures are available to pick up at the Bagley High School. Please pick them up at your earliest convenience. The office is open 7:00 am- 3:00 pm. If you have any questions please feel free to call the office at 218-694-3120.
Bagley High School Open House will be held on August 31st from 2:00-4:00 or 4:30-7:00.
Attention BHS Class of 2023!
New Code of Conduct Published for Bagley Schools!
Use the link to view the full document. This is also posted on our District Website.
BES has a new PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)! Check out the Flyer Gear order form and be prepared to enjoy the Cherry Berry dessert cups fundraiser at the BES Open House!
Bagley families, 5th and 6th grade football registration and Equipment hand out will be Thursday August 17th, 2023 at 3:30 pm at the Elementary School Cafeteria ( go in door 5 of the school)
Attention Bagley Flyer Families! Back-to-School is right around the corner! The great news is that there will be no cost to families for school lunches this year...however, other needed funding is still reliant on families completing the annual Meal Application Form. Please use the link below to complete the form....completion of the form Saves you 60% on your Annual Technology Insurance Fee!!!!
Meal Application Link:
BHS Fall Sports Meeting will be Monday, Aug. 7th at 6pm in the High School Commons Area!
Do you have a 3-4 year old that would like to try preschool this fall? We have different options to meet your child's needs. Visit us online and
Register at
BHS Team Football Camp
BHS Team Volleyball Camp